Economic participation of all, regardless of their disability status.
To educate, support, and advocate for inclusive employment while nurturing enterprises for the economic participation of all.
Our team consists of diverse and inclusive professionals with a track record of success in different sectors and a passion for disability inclusion.
We actively engage with networks promoting gender and disability rights and economic empowerment.
Proud associations with organizations such as AUCD, YDAR, Digital 118, US State Department, and UN Women’s WEP Program.
People with disabilities face extra vulnerabilities when it comes to accessing educational, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. Pointers programming provides training aligned to the job market demand, mentorship programs, and fostering partnerships with inclusive businesses to ensure integration into the workforce and in enterprise development. Additionally, we mobilize them to advocate for their rights, provide information on disability services which contributes to the achievement of their human rights & dignity and fostering community integration.
Inclusive employment
Mobilizing for advocacy
Community integration
Our consultancy services aim to support organizations to mainstream disability inclusion into their employment practices creating disability confident employers. Our unique proposition is the ability to support organizations integrate disability to ensure that organization projects and services are accessible to all regardless of their disability status. Our diverse and inclusive team has vast experience to ensure that our consultations target people with disabilities as well as other vulnerable members of the population.
Disability related services
Inclusive workplaces
Youth employment & enterprise development
Project management & research related studies
Discover the various ways you can access our services or actively participate as a valued contributor to our inclusive initiatives.